Although buildings are transitioning towards complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems,
traditional engineering metrics that dominate today don’t capture several important whole-network
properties. To address this, this paper adopts ecological network analysis (ENA), which has
numerous successes for natural ecosystems and socio-technical systems but has yet to be applied
for buildings. After translating ENA into comprehensive mathematical models for engineering
applications, the novel ENA method is demonstrated with building and community energy systems.
For the models to suit building energy systems, which have multiple energy types and non-negligible
dynamics, ENA is formulated on an exergy basis, with dynamic flows and balances (i.e., time-varying
storages). To demonstrate the proposed approach, ENA is used to redesign the heating and cooling
systems for an office building and data center, coupling the buildings together via ambient-loop
district energy. The models are implemented using the equation-based Modelica language. Results
indicate that the ENA-guided redesign reduces the source energy by 15%. The energy consumed by
the heating and cooling systems is reduced by 84% with negligible sacrifice to the thermal performance.
Surprisingly, the redesign also reduced the exergy efficiency of the total system from 60% to 34%
due to a greater decrease in exergy output relative to exergy input with low-exergy system designs.
This indicates that ENA and other network approaches that classify system organization may outperform
traditional efficiency-based metrics for building and community energy systems when whole-system
perspectives are desired.
BibTeX Citation
title = {Exergy-based ecological network analysis for building and community energy systems},
journal = {Energy and Buildings},
volume = {303},
pages = {113807},
year = {2024},
issn = {0378-7788},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113807},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037877882301037X},
author = {Kathryn Hinkelman and Saranya Anbarasu and Wangda Zuo},